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Scholarly Books and Edited Journals

Beach, WA (2006). A natural history of family cancer: Interactional resolutions to medical problems. Hampton Press, Inc. 


Beach, WA (Ed.) (2006). Handbook of patient-provider interactions: Raising and responding to patients’ concerns about life

and illnessHampton Press, Inc.


Beach, WA (Ed.). (2001). Lay diagnosis. Special issue of Text, 21, 13-268.


Beach, WA (1996). Conversations about illness: Family preoccupations with bulimia. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum

Associates, Inc.

Beach, WA (Ed.). (1989). Sequential organization of conversational activities. Western Journal of SpeechCommunication.  53,


Selected Articles and Chapters

Beach, WA (in press). Understanding how family members talk through cancer. In B Whaley (Ed), Advancements in

Communication Theory & Research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Jones, CM & Beach, WA (in press).

Patient’s attempts and doctors’ responses to premature solicitation of diagnostic information. In M. Maxwell (Ed.),

Diagnosis as a cultural practice. Mouton de Gruyter.

Good, J.S. & Beach, W.A. (in press). Opening up gift-opening: Birthday parties as situated activity systems Text.

Beach, WA & Mandelbaum, J. (2005). “My mom had a stroke”: Understanding how patients raise and providers respond to

psychosocial concerns. In LH Harter, PM Japp, & CM Beck (Eds), Narratives, health, and healing: Communication

theory research.

Beach, WA, Easter, D.E., Good, JS, & Pigeron, E. (2004). Disclosing and responding to cancer “fears” during oncology

interviews. Social Science & Medicine. 60, 893-910.

Easter, DE & Beach, WA (2004). Competent patient care is dependant upon attending to empathic opportunities presented

during interview sessions. Current Surgery, 61, 313-318.

Beach, WA & Andersen, J. (2004). Communication and cancer? Part II: Conversation analysis. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology,

21, 1-22.

Beach, WA & Good, JS (2004). Uncertain family trajectories: Interactional consequences of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and

prognosis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21, 9-35.

Beach, WA & Lockwood, A (2003). Making the case for airline compassion fares: The serial organization of problem narratives

during a family crisis. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 36, 351-393.

Beach, WA & Andersen, J (2003). Communication and cancer? Part I: The noticeable absence of interactional research.  J of

Psychosocial Oncology, 21, 1-23.

Beach, WA (2002). Phone openings, ‘gendered’ talk, and conversations about illness. In J Mandelbaum, P Glenn, & C LeBaron

(Eds). Studies in language and social interaction: In Honor of Robert Hopper (573-588). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Beach, WA (2002). Managing optimism. In J Mandelbaum, P Glenn & C LeBaron (Eds.). Studies in language and social

interaction:  In Honor of Robert Hopper (175-194). Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc.

Beach, WA & LeBaron, C (2002). Body disclosures: Attending to personal problems and reported sexual abuse during a

medical encounter. Journal of Commmunication, 52, 617-639.

Beach, WA (2002). Between dad and son: Initiating, delivering, and assimilating bad cancer news. Health Communication, 14,


Beach, WA & Dixson, C. (2001). Revealing  moments: Formulating understandings of adverse experiences in a Health

Appraisal interview. Social Science & Medicine, 52, 25-45.

Beach, WA (2001). Stability and ambiguity: Managing uncertain moments when updating news about mom’s cancer. Text, 21,


Beach, WA (2001). Introduction: Diagnosing lay diagnosis. Text, 21, 13-18.

Beach, WA (2000). Inviting collaborations in stories about a woman. Language in Society,29, 379-407.

Beach, WA & Metzger, TR (1997). Claiming insufficient knowledge. Human Communication Research, 23, 562-588.

Metzger, TR & Beach, WA (1996). Preserving alternative versions: Interactional techniques for organizing courtroom cross-

examination. Communication Research, 23, 749-765.

Beach, WA (1995). Preserving and constraining options: "Okays" and `official' priorities in medical interviews. In GH Morris &

RJ Cheneil (Eds). The talk of the clinic: Explorations in the analysis of medical and therapeutic discourse (pp.259-289).

Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Beach, WA (1995). Maps and diggings. In S.J. Sigman (ed.). The consequentiality of communication (pp. 223-226). Hillsdale,

NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Beach, WA (1995). Conversation analysis: "Okay" as a clue for understanding consequentiality. In SJ Sigman (ed.). The

consequentiality of communication (pp.121-162). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc, Inc.

Jones, CM & Beach, WA (1995). Therapists' techniques for responding to unsolicited contributions by family members.

In GH Morris & RJ Cheneil (Eds). The talk of the clinic: Explorations in the analysis of medical and therapeutic

discourse (pp.49-70). >Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Beach, WA (1994). Orienting to the phenomenon. In FL Casmir (Ed). Building communication theories: A socio-cultural

approach (pp.133-164). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Beach, WA (1994). Relevance and consequentiality. Western Journal of Communication, 58, 51-57.

Beach, WA (1993). Transitional regularities for 'casual' "Okay" usages. Journal of Pragmatics, 19, 325‑352

Beach, WA (1993). The delicacy of preoccupation. Text and Performance Quarterly, 13, 299‑312.

Beach, WA & Lindstrom, AK (1992). Conversational universals and comparative theory: Turning to Swedish and American

acknowledgement tokens‑in‑interaction. Communication Theory, 2, 24‑49.  

Beach, WA (1991). Searching for universal features of conversation. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 24, 349-


Beach, WA (1991). Avoiding ownership for alleged wrongdoings. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 24, 1-36.

Beach, WA (1990). On (not) observing behavior interactionally. Western Journal of Speech Communication, 54, 603‑612.

Beach, WA (1990). Orienting to the phenomenon. In J.A. Anderson (Ed.), Communication yearbook 13 (pp. 216‑244). Beverly

Hills, CA:  Sage Publications.

Beach, WA (1990). Language as and in technology: Facilitating topic organization in a videotex focus group meeting. In MJ

Medhurst (Ed.), Communication and the culture of technology (pp. 197-220). Pullman, WA: Washington State

University Press.

Beach, WA (1989). Foreword: Sequential organization of conversational activities. Western Journal of Speech

Communication, 53, 85‑90.

Beach, WA (1988). Talking in groups: Understanding conversational structure. In Robert S.Cathcart and Larry A. Samovar

(Eds.), Small group communication: A reader (5th Edition) (pp.320-332). Dubuque, IA: William C. Brown, Co.

Beach, WA (1988). Organizing courtroom contexts: Interactional resolutions to intercultural troubles. In Larry A.

Samovar and Richard E. Porter (Eds.), Intercultural communication: A reader (5th Edition) (pp. 200‑206). Belmont, CA:

Wadsworth Publishing Co.

Beach, WA (1985). Temporal density in courtroom interaction: Constraints on The recovery of past events in legal

discourse.  Communication Monographs, 52, 1‑18.          

Beach, WA (1983). Background understandings and the situated accomplishment of conversational                 

telling‑expansions. In Bob Craig and Karen Tracy (Eds.), Conversational coherence: Form,structure, & strategy (pp.

196‑221). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications.

Beach, WA & Japp, P.M. (1983). Storifying as time-traveling: The knowledgeable use of temporally  structured discourse. In

Robert N. Bostrom (Ed.), Communication yearbook 7 (pp. 867‑888). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. 

 Beach, WA & Dunning, D.G. (1982). Pre‑indexing and conversational organization. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68, 170‑185.

 Beach, WA (1982). Everyday interaction and its practical accomplishment: Progressive developments in ethno methodological

research.  Quarterly Journal of Speech, 68, 314‑327.